programmatic Data Access in Geodesy
Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand with, when you can spend 6 hours automating it.
This will be a tutorial to download common geodetic datasets mainly - Rinex files from their respective ftp servers/APIs.
It’s always efficient to download the data in an automated and reporducible manner by leveraging the APIs and ftp automation. One can always log into the filezilla and manually search through the directories for the required file, but this becomes teadious when one has to download files for tens and hundreds of days. Here comes programming to the rescue!
I’ll be using Python as it’s highly flexible, cross platform and boasts a vibrant community of developers both for Geodesy and Geospatial applications.
There are mainly 2 ftp servers hosted by -
- SCRIPPS Orbit and Parmanent Array Center (SOPAC) from SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanorgaphy at University of Californai, San Diego (UCSD).
Crustal Dynamics and Data Information System (CDDIS) from NASA.
Step - 1: Login
A simplified implementation to create a ftp login session.
def login_sopac(username='anonymous', password=''):
""" SOPAC ftp login ''
username (str): Required to login with 'anonymous'.
password (str): Enter Email. Defaults to ''.
ftps = FTP()
ftps.login(user=username, passwd=password)
return ftps
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e) # Catch-all for other issues
Step - 2: SOPAC directory structure
The daily rinex files are precent in the /pub/rinex
directory. File for a particular date and year can be located in the respective /pub/rinex/{year}/{doy}
directory. After this one has to match the station name using the station id and required rinex version.
FTP_ROOT = '/pub/rinex'
FILE_FTP_DIR = f'{FTP_ROOT}/{year}/{doy}'
Step -3: Download a specific file from ftp
def download(session, fname, ftp_dir, download_dir):
"""Download the required file from any ftp server
session (ftplib.FTP): The login session
fname (str): name of the file (same as in ftp server) ftp_dir (str): path to the directory at ftp from which file needs to be downloaded
download_dir (str): directory path where the file will be downloaded (locally)
print(f"FTP Dir: {session.pwd()}, Local Dir: {os.getcwd()}")
session.retrbinary("RETR " + fname, open(os.path.join(download_dir, fname), 'wb').write)
return(f'{os.path.join(download_dir, fname)}')
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error occured, {e}")
Step 4: One stop solution
def sopac_rinex(download_dir, session, station, year, doy):
"""Downloads the rinex file for a given station, year and day of year.
download_dir (str): path to download dir (local)
session (ftp.FTP): login session
station (str): official 4 character station code
year (int): year
doy (int): day of year
ValueError: data not found
FTP_ROOT = '/pub/rinex'
doy = str(doy).zfill(3)
FILE_FTP_DIR = f'{FTP_ROOT}/{year}/{doy}'
all_stations = session.nlst()
datafiles = find_station(all_stations, stn_code=station)
if len(datafiles) > 0:
download(session=session, fname=datafiles[0], ftp_dir=FILE_FTP_DIR, download_dir=download_dir)
except Exception as e:
elif len(datafiles) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Station code - {station} data for {year} and day {doy} Not Found")
This can further be used to create a bulk download utility.
def sopac_bulk_rinex(download_dir, station, start_year: int, start_doy: int, end_year: int, end_doy: int):
"""Bulk download rinex files for a given start and end date from SOPAC ftp server.
download_dir (str): path to download dir (local)
station (str): official 4 character station code
ValueError: data not found
sopac = login_sopac()
if start_year == end_year:
doys = np.arange(start_doy, end_doy+1, 1)
for _doy in tqdm(doys):
sopac_rinex(download_dir=download_dir, session=sopac, station=station, year=start_year, doy=_doy)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"File Not Found - {station} data for {start_year} and day {_doy} - skipping!")
elif start_year > end_year:
raise ValueError("Invalid Input: end year should be higher than starting year")
years = np.arange(start_year, end_year+1, 1)
for yr in tqdm(years):
if yr == start_year:
doys = np.arange(start_doy, 366+1, 1)
for _doy in tqdm(doys):
sopac_rinex(download_dir=download_dir, session=sopac, station=station, year=start_year, doy=_doy)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"File Not Found - {station} data for {start_year} and day {_doy} - skipping!")
if yr > start_year and yr < end_year:
doys = np.arange(1, 366+1, 1)
for _doy in tqdm(doys):
sopac_rinex(download_dir=download_dir, session=sopac, station=station, year=start_year, doy=_doy)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"File Not Found - {station} data for {start_year} and day {_doy} - skipping!")
if yr == end_year:
doys = np.arange(1, end_doy+1, 1)
for _doy in tqdm(doys):
sopac_rinex(download_dir=download_dir, session=sopac, station=station, year=start_year, doy=_doy)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"File Not Found - {station} data for {start_year} and day {_doy} - skipping!")
These are a simplified first order solution, further iterations will be required to improve the code. Nonetheless it is a good starting point to get things done!!