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Let’s take a look at different datasets with help of some Visualizations. The two datasets used are -
There’s a pretty common issue while performing orbit correction in ESA-SNAP. There’s a simple way to pre-download the required orbit files:
Never spend 6 minutes doing something by hand with, when you can spend 6 hours automating it.
I find myself chasing after the next best thing: data structures and algorithms, Linux, Julia, signal processing, etc… The accessibility to learning content online and the lectures/tutorials on YouTube provide an instant dopamine hit from learning new stuff.
I had been struggling with the InSAR processing using SNAP for quite some time. There is always one cryptic message after another. The one that halted my progress was related to topographic phase removal. There was an issue with downloading the EGM96 model. I wondered why one requires a geoid model when I already have DEM for phase removal.
Before joining IIT Kanpur, I only knew about Prof. Dr. Bharat Lohani from his Surveying NPTEL course (the best Surveying course to date on the Internet) and his company GeoKno’s pioneering work in LiDAR technology. My reason for staying is my newfound interest in the field of Geodesy.
PySHBundle is the python implementation of the popular SHBundle toolbox originally written using MATLAB.
This project is on understanding and developing intution for Machine Learning and Neural Networks. These techniques/approaches cannot be and should not be treated as ‘Black-Boxes’. Inthis project, I have tried to show this fact visually by selecting a not much explored dataset of Soil Classification.
Developed a Web App teaching aid for Structural Analysis course at VNIT Nagpur. Simple and Interactive app with ‘What-If Analysis’ capability for an intuvitive understanding.
Published in Book Chapter in Geospatial and Soft Computing Techniques, 2023
The Western Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state is experiencing drought, whereas the Eastern Vidarbha region is experiencing floods. National Water Development Agency (NWDA) proposed an intra-state link project to divert surplus water from the Wainganga basin (Eastern Vidarbha) to the Nalganga reservoir (Western Vidarbha) via canals. This study investigates possible alternative routes for intra-state link via pipeline, using spatial multi-criteria analysis (SMCA) and least cost path (LCP) approach in the GIS environment. In this study, SMCA implementing analytical hierarchal process (AHP), was used to combine different spatial data coherently. This approach also incorporates the subjective opinion of the decision-maker into the route planning process. Pathfinding was carried out using the LCP approach implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm. The route planning process considered four main factors viz. economy, engineering, environmental, and social. These factors in turn comprised of different criteria and sub-criteria such as slope, soil type, geomorphology, land use/land cover, drainage network, and settlements, which were structured in a hierarchal fashion. Four alternative routes were generated which prioritized one of the four main factors. These routes were then evaluated and ranked using the AHP method, and the optimal route is suggested. It was found that the total length and number of road-rail-river intersections for LCP generated route were, respectively, 10.7% and 5.88% less than NWDA proposed route. The average ground slope for the LCP-generated route was 6.22% and 12.15% for NWDA-proposed route. The results show that incorporating SMCA and LCP for route planning in a GIS environment generates results better than the conventional approach. Further studies are needed to investigate the utility of anisotropic cost surfaces or the use of alternative LCP algorithms such as the A* algorithm or the development of local route optimization techniques.
Recommended citation: Mhamane, A., Mirajkar, A.B. (2023). Least Cost Path Pipeline Routing Using Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis for Vidarbha Region: A Case Study. In: Timbadiya, P.V., Patel, P.L., Singh, V.P., Mirajkar, A.B. (eds) Geospatial and Soft Computing Techniques. HYDRO 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 339.Springer, Singapore